Saturday, January 8, 2011

What would happen if I was late in a High School in Japan

What would happen if I was late in a High School in Japan?
I'm starting next school year. Just wondering.
Japan - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
they'll suggest you to commit harakiri.. lol
2 :
It depends on school. In some cases, being late is treated as 1/2 absence. If you are late twice, it means you were absent once. If you did not attend enough class, you can't get a grade. It means you can't go to next grade or graduate.
3 :
Japanese compulsory education term is from entering primary school(6 yo) upto Junior High(15 yo) finishing. You don't need to go to any more school after Junior High graduated. High school(after Jr.High) is option. There is no strict age restriction. All you have to do is just have to clear exam to pass. That's all.