I would like to got to a school in Japan and study game designing and japanese. I want to know if this school is legit. How is the enviroment? Has anyone been to this school? Please tell me the pros and cons about this school. How much does it cost? What is the male and female ratio? Is there any english speaking teachers there? That's all the questions I can think of, but I would love to know more about this school. Thank you. :)
Japan - 3 Answers
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1 :
This is their website. http://www.hal.ac.jp/lang/english.html I think this school is legit. I have heard of this. >How much does it cost? One year tuition is 1,218,000 yen or about $13,000. But you need living cost in Japan. So I think you need at least $25,000 for 1 year. >Is there any english speaking teachers there? I guess not.
2 :
http://www.hal.ac.jp/lang/english.html It is a quite conglomerate business school to create professionals, which has good and refined operation and been developing pretty fast and steadily. Cost depends on what you are looking for. You need to prepare your own dosshouse to alive at very expensive place of the big city anyway. You may live in somewhere far from the center of the city but will have to pay a lot for transportation. I think you must know Japanese quite enough because all lessons and books, even the entry exam are in Japanese. On computer technology field, there is seldom female students in average in Japan. It may be fluctuated by the class room one by one though. They say basically male: female ratio in class is about 4:1 but some class about designing/CG may be 6:4. Why don't you contact the school directly? http://www.hal.ac.jp/osaka/mind/contact_access.html
3 :
I went to its sister school in Tokyo once for day, the environment is pretty fine I guess. The pros are it has alot of cool stuff that you can't learn in regular colleges and unis the cons is the cost. The cost varies but its like $20000 per year. you could get some scholarships or get part time jobs that they offer. IDK about the male and female ratios but im pretty sure there are alot of more guys than girls.