Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The school in Japan didn't let my nephew into kindergarten for being a "problem child"?

The school in Japan didn't let my nephew into kindergarten for being a "problem child"?
My cousin married a Japanese man years ago, and they now live in Japan. My nephew didn't get my family's blond hair or blue eyes, but he is way taller than the rest of the Japanese kids his age. I've visited Japan, and played with him. He's a very happy boy! In the USA everyone would call him adorable. He laughs a lot, smiles a lot, and plays a lot. If he were in the USA, everyone would be happy because you can see in his eyes how happy he is. He should be in kindergarten right now, but he's not, the school wouldn't take him. According to the school, he's a "problem child" with no discipline. But I think he's a very well behaved boy. My cousins explains to me Japanese children are like robots, and next to them his giggling and frolicking are seen as bad behavior. My nephew is going to be 6 pretty soon, and my cousin iafraidid he won't be accepted in elementary school either. What can she do?
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
Honestly, I do not know WHY your cousin would marry a Japanese male, I am Half Japanese, my mother is Japanese and my dad is African American. My mom does not even find Japanese males attractive BUT attacking that subject would be rude of me. Honestly, I say your cousin should move to America, convince her Japanese husband to move to America or move together as a Family. Japan has very high standards and is a country where high schoolers have no life at all. Tell your cousin she has to do what is best for HER SON, if sending him to America and letting him stay with you would be what is best for him, then tell her about that. The best thing would be for her to move to America along with the family for her kids, but if a career is preventing that then letting your nephew stay with you would be best, it would be sad but the best thing for his education. To Adrian: Hidoi! Find out what that means in Japanese before you start throwing out your dumb assumptions and start attacking me for no reason. I was in Japan when I was 1 year old, my dad decided to move back there. I have made my point clearly, and obviously you are the dumb one since you HAVE NEVER even went to Japan. Japan is the most modern country in the world? Wow, someone is on some anime crack. I did not have a problem with Japanese people you numbnut, I said I had a problem with the whole country. This is everyday in Tokyo Dating between different races is not ILLEGAL in Japan but it is looked down and frowned upon, go there for once and quit digging so deep to make up lies. Kid, I was 1 years old when I was in Japan, not necessary to read up on behavior, the Japanese do not like foreigners PERIOD. Quit smoking that Anime weed and quit believing everything you hear in videogames, go to that country for once and learn its culture before you become a crybaby and attack someone like me who is 5 times more intelligent than you and as ACTUALLY lived in Japan for 6 years. The US is NOT perfect, we do not live in a utopia but it is a lot better than Japan in different ways. Japan leads ALL developed countries in suicide and has the highest suicide rate. I did not base my statement Japan is the worst developed country on technology, I based it on Social issues, and Japan has A LOT of those, not such a good debater are you? Read people's statement and actually bother to observe it before you come out of nowhere looking immature and attacking them for it. Also, I basically grew up in Japan and Japanese WAS my first language, I had to learn English. I know how behavior in Japan is and it is definitely not a good country compared to America. I would like to thank all of those sites that corrupted Adrian's mind, live in Japan and tell its better than the US. There is a lot more racism in Japan than there is in the US. Tell me where you get this "research" from.
2 :
Well.. how can you be so sure that your kid is not a problem child? You should look into that as well.. no parent wants to view their kids as a troublemaker.. but there has been times when he actually is a trouble maker... but hey maybe he is not.. I suggest finding a different school to go to.. if that does not work and you really value your kids education (which you should) you may want to think about moving to another country. Hope everything goes well... Don't let the Japs get you down..
3 :
Well wouldn't giggling,etc be considered bad behavior in any school at any country.I know if I laughed in my school I would get in trouble because it's considered horseplay.But of course to us westerners kindergarten seems to early for a child to be disciplined,but it's different in Japan.Japanese children began discipline as young as 2 or 3,so they learn not to do any of that before they began going to school.The reason why they seem like robots well it's because they're disciplined people.Plus education is way tougher in Japan than it is over here in America,im not sure how kindergarten works over there in Japan.They probably do a little bit of work in Japanese kindergartens unlike western kindergartens,mabye not work like school work probably activities like counting,etc.He could be goofing off instead of participating in those activities.If that's the case he's going to have to learn to behave.If that's not the case then try another school.Im kind of like a robot myself,I remember when I was in 1st grade I was at my daycare I was playing with this kid and I did something bad.My dad gave me a wooping I didn't do anything bad at school or daycare again.I still don't although there are times where i'll horse around but it's nothing severe.I also seem like one because im quiet. This has nothing to do with the qeustion but I need to make a point to the fallen one. Hey the fallen one you make your self sound stupid.If Japan is the worst developed country in the world then how come Japan is the most modern country in the world even though china is catching up.Most of them that frown apon foreigners dating japanese women are some of the elderly folk,don't thrown them all in one box.Dating between different races is accepted Japan.Probably the reason why you had a problem with Japanese people is because you didn't read up on their behavior.The reason why foreigners are having a hard time living in Japan is because some of them are idiots like you who don't read up on their behavior as I said,they don't learn Japanese before they go there,and they don't prepare themselves for what they're going to face.I read up on Japanese behavior and im going to read more about it so I will mostly have the chance of not having to deal with it.Im not trying to say Japan is perfect.I know there are xenophobic Japanese there,it's their right,their country.But the US ain't perfect either im pretty sure Japanese and other asians deal with racism here in the U.S.Im not some childish otaku by the way,im someone who actually bothers to study the country.Im pretty aware of the stuff foreigners deal with.and no not really american's tend to over-rate and think highly of china and johnnyboy enough with the racial slurs

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