Saturday, July 16, 2011

i really need to convince my parents to let me go to a school in japan for a year, ideas

i really need to convince my parents to let me go to a school in japan for a year, ideas?
i think i would really benefit going to japan for an academic school year. I am very interested in other cultures/languages. my parents think i would get too homesick, i know japan and the us are very different but i honestly think i would really benefit. can you think of any ideas to help me convince them? i already have: im responsible i know some of the language (only 1 year required for my program) im old enough to handle myself
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Here is the Japanese Govt. website for your help.
2 :
So you're convinced that a year in Japan is for you. Need to pinch the idea to your parents? Ummm.. Use some of the viewpoints that sold you on the idea to help them understand that why you want to study abroad. You can tell them that students in study abroad programmes get experience by being in a new culture, their maturity & self-confidence level increases. They become independent. You can also describe them the complex situations that you handled in past. & well homesickness is a small & initial part of studying abroad. No doubt it doesn't go away instantly but you'll get use to new environment after some time. Just about everyone gets homesick & all get back to their old self again once they start socializing. You can chat with your family via net & phone. & well video chat will make you feel less homesick. & hey it's about just 1 year. Not 10 years! So you see it all depends on how you communicate this idea with your parents. Good Luck.

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