Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I want to go to Japan as an exchange student for one year. What is Japanese high school like

I want to go to Japan as an exchange student for one year. What is Japanese high school like?
I heard that bullying in Japan is high. Would it be likely i will get bullied being a foreign exchange student there? What is a day at high school in japan like?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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It's true that many students experience some level of bullying in Japan. A foreign exchange student would be pretty unlikely to experience the same. Since you are foreign you generally come under a different set of rules and are not expected to behave like other Japanese would. You would, of course, have to conform to the customs and standards of your group and generally speaking, cooperation is more highly regarded than individualism. The expression ' go along to get along' is really the operative idea here. I've not been to a high school here but my impression is that students really enjoy their time in high school. They form friendship groups quickly and spend lots of time in and out of school together. Of course, learning Japanese and using it daily is a must. Very few high school students speak English and you would need to initiate many conversations. The days begin early and end at different times depending on the season, exams being scheduled, etc.. Also students often have to go on Saturdays. But all in all Japan is a fascinating country full of surprises and fantastic experiences. Don't head off to Europe, try something different. You could be a star!