Thursday, September 1, 2011

high school japan exchange

high school japan exchange?
so now that things are looking more optimistic for me exchanging next year, im freaking out more. thank you for former answers, by the way =D i will be 16 when going, and i was wondering if there was ANY program in which i could choose where i go and stay at that place for the duration of my trip. i dont think it exists, but if it does, i would love to know =) and if not, could someone request a program that seems reasonable in its requirements; studies, language, etc... of course i will be going regardless =) thanks
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
umm theres people to people. and two worlds united. sori idk anymore
2 :
Hi, You need to look into an exchange organization. The top three are AFS, YFU and Rotary. I'd look soon, your junior year is the best time to go! Make sure you work closely with your school to get some credit for your exchange year -- and get it in writing! Here is a website on being an exchange student in general, as well as the sites of the three programs I mentioned above. Good luck! It's a great opportunity! Also, stay away from Two World United -- NOT on the CSIET list and therefore, not recommended. P2P is terribly expensive and short term.