Monday, August 1, 2011

Rotary exchange program ? high school ? Japan .

Rotary exchange program ? high school ? Japan ?
I went to their website , and I didn't really understand some of it . Like : 1. What grades do you have to get in 2. How much does it ? 5,000 , 7,000 ? 3. What are are Rotary clubs ? 4. how good are a person's chances of getting in ? 5. Why is Rotary so popular ? Thank you !! If you know anything elese about the program that would be great !!:D I'm going into 8th grade this year ! ^^
Japan - 2 Answers
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you wotn be able to do the exchnage program for another few years, but def. go for it. Find the local rotary club, and just call and see if they take part in the exchnage program, if they do, you can ask for an application form (wgeb your old enough) They take everythign into account. so regardless of marks and whatnot apply. (I dotn suggest going to japan on the exchnage though, or askign to go there, rotary in japan is rather negative and opressive.