Monday, February 16, 2009

In high school japan, are the female students allow to make their skirt short now

In high school japan, are the female students allow to make their skirt short now?

Japan - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It depends on how short you mean. Some schools are instructing its students not to make their skirts too short. But girls roll up their skirt around their waist to make it shorter when they get out of schools.
2 :
Based on the girls I see around my town, they're certainly doing it when they're not in school. Whether or not they're technically allowed to do it is another matter entirely.
3 :
they're already short enough.
4 :
It really depends on the school. A lot of schools in Japan are starting to get a lot stricter and are enforcing rules about the length of skirts.
5 :
Well a lot of school are trying to make them stop and have length restrictions but most girls still do anyway. They usually wear those slouchy socks with the skirts too even though they technically are not allowed by some schools. For a lot of Japanese teenagers, your uniform is big part of their wardrobe which they wear even outside school so they want to make it as fashionable as possible! But in schools where they are stricter, many girls only roll them up at the waist when school's over and let them down again during the day.
6 :
School regulation of uniformly skirt length from knee cap may vary one by one but girls always don't care. They just know how to tack it upper ultimately after school for playing around anyway.
7 :
Is it 'allowed'? No, they are supposed to, and say supposed to, wear them as designed. But there have been cases of increasing the height of the skirt for a LONG time. My wife is 47 and she said when she was in school, many of the girls, including her, would just pull up the waistband to shorten the skirt. See a teacher, yank it back down. I guess a question that could be asked is how strictly do the schools enforce this rule. I'll ask my daughter, who goes to the same school as her mother, how students are wearing their uniforms, (if I remember) and get back to you.
8 :
It looks pretty short to me

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