I understand Japanese,read,write,speak,etc. My goal was to become a Actor in Japan only I'm not sure how to do that or even if there is a school in Japan for foreigners.I'm not Japanese and the reason I ask is because i want to study in Japan.Does anyone know if there are Acting schools in Japan that will allow foreigners?
Japan - 2 Answers
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1 :
It depends on each school if they accept foreign students. The below one is one of acting schools in Japan. http://www.eiga.ac.jp/index.html Why don't you search on Japanese webs if you are able to read Japanese?
2 :
I know there are many talent agencies that hire foreigners and foreign models but as for acting schools I'm sorry I'm not sure if you could get hold of some of these agencies they might be able to put you in touch with someone . hope this might help. Good luck