Sunday, March 8, 2009

How Can I attract more students to my English conversation school in Japan

How Can I attract more students to my English conversation school in Japan?
I own an English school in a medium sized city (Kurume) in Japan. I teach only adults. My budget is small, I hand out flyers at the station. My school is only 3 or 4 minutes walk from the train station. My problem is I'm having great difficulty attracting students to my school. Do any of you have some creative ideas other than radio, TV or print ads which are too expensive for me right now?
Teaching - 4 Answers
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1 :
u could try going to council information evenings, but u might need an interpreter...hmmm...word-of-mouth? does anyone u know there have ways of informing people?
2 :
post flyer in local universities and colleges there may be students there who would like to learn english. also, are there little eateries near your place or on the way to the station where you can drop some flyers and ask the management if you can leave the flyers there? another great idea are bookstores. ask them if you can leave some flyers there and you will recommend their store to your students that have to get books and supplies. post office.....sometimes the post office has a space to post flyers. that would be a good idea since a lot of people pass by the post office. internet in your area. maybe it is not too expensive to add a post online in the area you live a blog or a web site that has to do with english or english speaking or questions regarding english..... the internet is a great place to advertise and many times you can get it for free. libraries is another option. maybe you can talk to someone and ask if you can leave a few flyers there too. now that the movie "flags of our fathers" is going on in japan and is pretty popular, find out where the movie is showing and outside the movie house distribute your flyers to people coming out (not entering because they have to see the movie first) of the theatre. cars, are there cars parked around there or parking lots? put a flyer on the windshields so when the owner of the car comes back, he will see your flyer. don't forget that housewives may want to learn english. even hair salons are a good place to drop flyers. most of the women who go to hair salons have extra time in their hands and may want to attend school. supermarkets may have postings and maybe you can post your flyer there too. on a weekend, when you do not have any class and are free, why not stand outside the supermarket and distribute your flyers.. anyway, flyers are inexpensive, if you can get even one student, it would be worth it. but continue to distribute around the train station because you got students from there. if you are too busy, hire a young person and pay them by the hour to distribute your flyers to the places i recommended above. by the way, do you have a local weekly newspaper that is distributed in your area.....those little bulletins that are not too expensive and are given free to the neighborhoods? why not put a little ad if it is not expensive. also, you can have a gimmick and tell your students that if they refer anyone else and enrolls in your class, then you will give them 10% discount. are there any clubs there for adults or older folks? why not try to go to this organizations and drop your flyers. do you have kiwanis clubs, knights of columbus or even veterans clubs there?i think the veterans organization may like to learn english. you might even make arrangements to go to the home base and teach the class over there some days a week if you have enough students at one area. how about getting in touch with the local red cross or even the american consulate and give them flyers. there may be american organizations there or even american companies that may want their employees to learn conversational english. tell the company about your school and what your school's objectives are and what you expect a student to achieve when they finish the class. tell them also that their receptionists and employees who are in the forefront of the company would become an asset to their company if they know english. you will give them a corporate discounted price. what you can do is write letters to american companies or japanese companies that deal with americans and tell them about your school. it is a little work but may pay off. hotels... go to hotels and let them know that you teach english and it would be an advantage for the front employees to learn the language for tourism. department of tourism...write to them or call them and tell them about your school. you can have one basic letter which you will use for all your correspondences to all the companies and do not forget to attach your curriculum which will explain what the students will get out of the class. churches are another idea......go and write to them or visit them and let them know about your school. also go to christian churches. the more places you drop your flyers the more people will see it..... and the more students you get, word of mouth will spread the news of your school. also, an idea would be that at the end of a semester, plan a little skit or play where your students can play a part...or even tell them during graduation, they have to learn a poem or part and invite their families to come and attend a little graduation. make your class fun!!!! have them dress up in costume during american holidays like thanksgiving, mardi gras, 4th of july, halloween, easter and christmas. on that special day, incorporate words and phrases that have to do with that occassion in your class....just insert a few words to let them know a little of the american do not have to go off your lesson plan, just insert some aspect of that particular holiday. you can have a special "bring a friend" to class day, where your students invites a friend or family to class. on that day, you will teach them words that have to do with friendship and family. have sentences that has to do with that. maybe, that friend will like to join the class good luck to you. hope i am able to help even a little.
3 :
You can hold a competition with a prize of low cost. You can pay a little to someone near the station and put a banner outside of his building. You can put fliers at businesses whose employees need training from you.
4 :
Have you thought about having you students pass information word of mouth? A lot of times if people can see the results of taking an english class, it will motivate them to come to class. Have you thought about going corporate, there are a lot of businessmen who conduct business with english speaking companies, and some of their employees may need to speak the basic language.