Monday, March 16, 2009

Is school bullying a really big problem in Japan

Is school bullying a really big problem in Japan?
I know bullying can be found anywhere in the world, but some of the media I've been reading says that Japan has a very high rate of suicide victims due to in-school violence. Teachers are incredibly negligent and other students are afraid to step in. My friend, who is an exchange student, says that it is a really big problem in Korea, too. Someone who has had schooling in Japan, can you share your experiences and shed more light on this topic?
Japan - 5 Answers
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1 :
Well consider that it is a herd mentality. If someone starts bullying someone else the whole class will start, thus there is no one to turn to. I will also make the statement that through my experience Japanese kids are over protected, they do not get picked on as little kids etc thus are pretty naive when it comes to JHS and HS. I think it is a terrible thing and it seems to happen more in the rural areas and not get reported as often. That and at least 33,000 people committed suicide here last year, under 20s are not usually part of those stats as there are privacy laws protecting the families etc. Now from the US prospective the bullying might be pretty light as it is not like people have guns or knives etc, it is not violent. It is all mental and the internet is bad as well.
2 :
the bad thing about japanese schools is that the whole class (and grade) will pick just one person and torment them, and even though they dont threaten them with knives or guns or anything they can be sooo evil like this one celebrity was talking about when she was a kid she was the one everyone bullied and she was saying how no one will ever let her sit with them and told her off if she tried, and they would lock her in supply closets, and how they would stick pins in her school shoes (japanese have to switch to a pair of indoor shoes,which they keep in cubby holes at the school entrance, when they go into school), etc. like they are soo mean. its pretty much everyone against that one person (0^0) like, comminting suicide is actually reasonable considering how bad they're treated. like thats how bad it could get. and sometimes even the teachers would make fun and torment the student, or they wont do anything about it (><) but remember that not all schools are like that, and some schools dont bully someone to that extreme. but still, theres enough schools that -are- like that that makes bullying a horrible issue. lately though, japanese women have been killing their husbands so i guess now instead of school students, its the japanese women who are having a problem (><);
3 :
Bullying is a World wide probelm. I'll admit its bad in Japan and the suicide rate is high, that makes me sad hearing about so many young students killing themselves. It sounds like a nightmare to me not being able to tell anybody about it. I'd go crazy. I hope something changes soon.
4 :
When I was living in Japan I was never bullied too bad. My friend got into fights alot though and her brother was murdered by some kid so I guess that's accurate. I never really saw that side of Japan though. The teachers were definately negligent though. I was afraid to step in everyday myself.
5 :
yes, your saying is right. in Japan, school bullying is big problem. the main cause on young generation suicide in Japan will be school bullying. Japanese school system put heavy policy to "same thing" for instance, same design uniform, school law called to Kousoku校則, heir style guideline controlled by Kousoku, controlled education system. on such circumstance, indivisual character or behavior is pressed. in Japan society, historically thinking of coping with all people is virtue. recent Japan evolution is for thinking to some extend. and the spirit of "all together" is being told to the school education system. but the level become high year by year, and the spirit have gone to misunderstanding direction. the basic principle is good, but many act have been forgave on the name of the spirit, the example is high level restrict Kousoku and so on. it will be natural that students feel mental pressure on the controlled educational system. if a student say his opinion with different to other students, even if that is right opinion, that may become one of bullied object. and Japanese school class rooms are seperated by wall, windows and so on enclosed type, in where teachers cant control, send their eyes, bulling is done. there are many third-students, neither bulling or bullied person. because they know that what go in the bulling condition means what they are involved to the disaster. the reason that teacher or schools is neglect for this problem will be to their reputation. if they know the truth that bulling is done in their school, their school reputation is hurted, and they receive the influence on their promotion. when a student suiside problems by school bulling break, teachers or pricipal say "we never have know what the bulling was done in our school" off course our Japanese citizens know that is a lie. the saying is to protect their rank and reputation. and in Japanese culture, the background that "confession" is shame exist. Japanese have historical spirit that endurance is virtue. though all the spirits are not always related to the condition, students that are receiving school bullying hesitate to confess the truth to friend, teacher or their parents even.. I was so once.. some students continue to endure bulling, and a little of them commit suicide. it is very important that confession is never shame thing, or that is justice and brave. in Japan, days that bulling problems have never been solved is continuing till today.